Wednesday, June 25, 2008

One Important Issue

If someone told you gas would be over $5.00 a gallon next month what would you do? Likely you would have no reason to doubt them, because gas prices are steadily rising without any end in sight. You would also probably begin to think of what unnecessary things can be cut out of your budget to make room for more money to be spent on gas. Unfortunately, gas is not the only factor of the current economic crisis plaguing the world.

This economic problem affects everyone. As food and gas prices rise, families have trouble making ends meet. Some people have to choose between paying bills and eating. This is a really sad issue. This is an important issue to me not only because it affects me and my surroundings, but it affects the whole world. This global issue should be on the forefront of the world’s leaders’ minds. I hope to be able to see the day when the economy re-stabilizes.

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